16 August 2011

Adding to the Resume

As I woke up this morning realizing that I am once again unemployed, I began to reflect on the many, many, many jobs I have held in the past and the new job I am about to embark upon.  Those of you that know me also know about my extensive work history.  Starting at the age of 12 when I worked and helped train horses in exchange for free riding lessons, my job as a ride operator, then a costumed character, a extra for movies and television, a dancer (NOT exotic), a pizza delivery driver, a photographer, a bartender, a waitress, and an actor/performer, just to name a few.  I have also worked retail, fast food (sort of, it was IN-N-OUT so it's fast food but AWESOME fast food), and various office jobs.  Come to think of it WOW that's a lot of jobs and that isn't all of them.  Whenever I think on my work history I always wonder if my bouncing around was part of normal adolescence or if it was a sign of something deeper like a fear of commitment or something stupid like that.

In the past few years I have settled down a bit and have kept several long term positions within the same company.  Through maturing, at least on some levels, I realized that my bouncing around wasn't so much a sign that something was wrong with me but rather my desire to have as many experiences in this life as I possibly can; I don't want to miss anything.  I don't want to just read about the fantastic adventures and lives in the books I cherish, I want to experience all of that (except for the scurvy).  In my desire to truly soak in all life has to offer, I will admit there are some things I have unintentionally sacrificed along the way, including relationships.  However, I firmly believe that a person can have it all and that is my intention, it might not be on the traditional life schedule, but eventually I will have it all.  It is my goal to look back on my life with only the one regret (which is a story for a different blog).

So bring on the next addition to my resume, teaching English in South Korea! Like all other jobs in the past, I look forward to the adventures, challenges, and people that will influence my life in ways I never imagined.

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